
We Wish You a Merry One Shot!

Created by Penny Dragon

Get Ready for The Fight Before Christmas - Ho-ho-hold on tight! Santa's Workshop is hiring, but the North Pole has never been this dangerous!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Surveys, Fulfilment & More!
9 months ago – Sun, Dec 10, 2023 at 02:30:31 PM

Great News!

Surveys have gone out and most of you will have begun to receive your rewards.

The Fight Before Christmas (TFBC) should be with many of you now. We're so excited to have this one with you in time for the festive season! We look forward to hearing your feedback on this one.

The 12 Gifts of Christmas and the Festive Encounter Table will follow in the next few days and once the remaining surveys have been completed we will put out an updated copy of the TFBC with the outstanding names added.

The Frostville Snowman Massacre and A Wraithmas Carol will be with you all in January and we will continue to give updates on the completion of these.

Adventure Bundle

We have been working with Piotr, our graphic designer, on the best way to package the digital map pack with this one. It has been finalised and the associated files will be uploaded tomorrow.

 Speaking of ADVENTure...

I hope those of you who have been following along with the Penny Dragon Advent Calendar are enjoying the daily treats. This has been so fun to create and I'd like to say a huge thank you for the emails amd messages we've received since we kicked this off on December 1st - it felt like a fitting was to see 2023 off.

If you'd like to find out what is behind Day 10 and grab some free downloads right up until Christmas Eve you can check it out HERE

Each download that becomes available will remain there for approximately 48 hours to account for different times zones and work schedules for those enjoying the calendar.

I'll be back with another update tomorrow!

Merry Christmas,


Smoke Test & Update!
10 months ago – Sun, Dec 03, 2023 at 02:17:19 PM

The Festive Season Is Upon Us!

Apologies for the radio silence. Our team has been squirrelled away getting as much as we can done before we break for the holidays.

The Smoke Test has gone out and surveys will begin rolling out tomorrow.

The Fight Before Christmas is in layout and this adventure along with the 12 Gifts of Christmas and the festive encounter table will follow over the course of the coming week.

Festive Mini Adventures

A Wraithmas Carol and The Frostville Snowman Massacre are both currently being written and they will be fulfilled in January 2024. We are ridiculously excited for these two adventures, no such thing as too much festive content in our books!

We'll post regular updates with progress on both adventures and sneak peeks of the artwork.

Speaking of festive ADVENTures...

As a huge thank you for the support we've received this year, we've cooked up a festive Penny Dragon Advent treat.

Each day until Christmas Eve we are giving away either a magic item, monster or adventure on our website.

The daily download will be available for only 24 hours (running on Pacific Time).

To find out what today's FREE download is, CLICK HERE.

Back with another update soon!



The Elves Are Hard At Work
10 months ago – Wed, Nov 22, 2023 at 03:09:57 PM

Happy Thanksgiving

Wishing all who celebrate a very happy thanksgiving tomorrow.

Whether you're enjoying a feast with loved ones or simply taking a moment of gratitude, I hope the occasion is filled with joy and good food.

Meanwhile at the North Pole...

The Fight Before Christmas is on a second wave of reviews and will be going to our graphic designer for layout next week. The 12 Gifts of Christmas and the encounter table are also approaching completion, pending review.

As you know, The Frostville Snowman Massacre and A Wraithmas Carol are being delivered in January. These are both in development. I fell a little behind with our eldest being in hospital a couple of weeks ago, so I'm closing out a ghost ship adventure for our previous one shot campaign and then Frostville will have my full attention.

Here's a sneak peek of the Factory Floor battle map, illustrated by our in-house artist Liam Hammond.

Maps are a favourite of mine, I can't seem to get enough of them and we make a real effort to include maps in the adventures we put out.

Speaking of the adventures we put out...

Black Friday has arrived!

For the next 5 days you can get 30% off EVERYTHING in our online store.

Offer includes items already discounted.

For example, our exclusive LIVE One Shot Workshop, running in a few weeks, is already $100 off!

This coupon gives you the guts of an additional $100 reduction!!!

Just use coupon code BLACKFRIDAY30 at checkout.

Get your HUGE discount HERE.

But hurry, the coupon expires at midnight on the 28th of November.

Have a good one,


Santa's Workshop & New Stretch Goals
10 months ago – Tue, Nov 14, 2023 at 09:50:23 AM

Season's Greetings (I still feel weird saying that before Thanksgiving),

You might not have noticed this yet, but we've added more information on the December One Shot Workshop on the campaign page. A few people have reached out asking what it's all about. It's a fairly simple idea. We've published a couple dozen adventures (and counting) and we figured, "Heck, why not run a workshop to show people how to take an adventure from idea to publication themselves?"

The crazy part is, our team of experts are involved. These are people who create D&D content for a living!

This 6-hour gig is a masterclass in adventure creation, with exercises, handouts, and presentations.

You won't find an event like it...especially not at the current price.

I'll cover game design, marketing, and publishing. Our head lorekeeper (and lead producer), Nicci, will cover writing and lore. Our art director, Darren, will cover working with artists. And our layout artist, Piotr, will cover everything you need to know to create a stunning PDF (and print book too of course). Oh, and our COO, Kayleigh, will be hosting the event and keeping us all in check :)

We have a limited number of spots! Only 10 available on this Kickstarter...which we honestly won't max out, but we wanted to give as many people as possible a chance to get a seat.

Oh, and this is looking to become an annual event...Will you be there for the first ever Penny Dragon Workshop?

You can get more information in add-ons and over HERE.

While we're at it, congratulations on unlocking 2 new stretch goals!

  • 1 x New Monster (Artackain)
  • 4 x Pre-gen Character Sheets

We made an error on the graphics on the campaign. But we're working on updating it so it reflects the above!

Next up is the coveted Labelled Map!

Don't forget to share this campaign with your gaming friends to unlock this and more stretch goals :)

And as always, thank you so much for everything!


P.S. Below are some examples of labelled maps from our other Moreno Paisan.

We'll also talking about how we design maps and work with map artists/cartographers to bring our vision to life. Don't miss out. Check out the One Shot Workshop!

Project Update: ANOTHER Stretch Goal Unlocked!!!
10 months ago – Thu, Nov 09, 2023 at 07:42:39 AM

Well stuff my stocking and call me Rudolph – yet another stretch goal unlocked!
Congrats on unlocking a new additional Battle Map – The Factory Floor!
This battle map will be the perfect companion to the Factory Floor Complications Table you previously unlocked. For those of us struggling to keep up with all these amazing stretch goals (like me!), let me summarize…so far you’ve unlocked:
  • 2 x New Magic Items
  • 4 x New Magic Items (total of 6 new Magic Items)
  • 3 x New NPCs
  • 1 x New Monster (MechaSanta)
  • 1 x Factory Floor Complications Table
  • 1 x Magic Items Card PDF
  • 1x New Additional Battle Map (Factory Floor)
Next up is another NEW MONSTER (Artackain)! 
If you’d like to add this awesome new monster to the adventure, make sure to share this handy link with your D&D friends
Thank YOU for helping us unlock these stretch goals. 
We love adding content to these one shots and it wouldn’t be possible without you pledging to and sharing our campaign!
(chaotic good, female, tabaxi lorekeeper)